new college lanarkshire

Legal Studies

The Library and Learning Centres provide a wide range of resources and this guide highlights those which are relevant to your course.

Click here for a downloadable version of the information given below.

Online resources   

These resources are available on and off campus. If asked, select UK Federation login, Home Institution and/or Shibboleth, enter New College Lanarkshire then log on to the resources using your college username and password.  

This is a video collection of over 19,000 titles including current TV recordings.

Complete Issues

Articles, statistics, personal accounts and links to websites on a wide range of topics. 

To access the Complete Issues site, click the link above. You will then be taken to the Moodle Home screen – click on the top right-hand corner of the page to log in with your college email and password.  A page will then be displayed which contains a link to click to access Complete Issues, and below the link the Username and Password required to access the site are also displayed. 

Gale News, Business and Reference   

Access to a large range of online reference materials including journals, newspaper archives and e-books.

Hodder Education Magazines

A collection of journals covering a wide range of subjects such as; sociology, business and science. You need to register on the website to gain access to the resources. If you need assistance, ask a member of the library staff.

To use this site, you will first need to register as a student and create a free account using the following link – Register

Once you have created an account, follow this link to sign in and access the magazines, or access through the ‘Online Resources’ page on our library website - Hodder Education Magazines

Note: Some content is not accessible as it’s not included in our college’s subscription - this is highlighted by a padlock icon.

National Library of Scotland   

A range of databases from the National Library of Scotland. They cover many subject areas and include e-books, newspapers, journals, audio-visual resources and images. You need to register on the website to gain access to the resources.  

Very Short Introductions

Expert authors combine facts, analysis, new insights, and enthusiasm to offer concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects.

Westlaw UK is one of the leading online legal research services providing access to cases, legislation, journals, books online, news and EU materials. 

Note: to log in, click on Log in and then Access through academic institution and New College Lanarkshire.   

Useful websites and Open Access resources 

BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute

British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.  


Searchable database of court cases and court law in the UK.

A government-run site of searchable UK legislation, including new and changes to existing legislation. 

Law Society of Scotland

The website for the professional body of over 11,000 Scottish solicitors.   

Scottish Law Online

An independent web portal for lawyers, solicitors or advocates, academics, students or the public who are interested in Scots Law. 

Click here for more free online resources. 

Books and Electronic books (e-books)   

Most of the print books for your course can be found in the Law (shelf mark 340 onwards) section of the LLC.  These include books on subjects such as employment law, property law, delict, European law, taxation law, civil and criminal law.   

All books on law can be found on the LLC catalogue.  


Click here for a guide to using the Library Catalogue.

The LLC also has a range of ‘English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)’ books, as well as a selection of fiction books.  

E-books for Law can be found on the catalogue or through our providers Ebook Central, VLE Books and E-books for Further Education. Further e-books are available through the 'Useful websites and Open Access resources' section above.  

Below are just a few of our most popular e-books – click on the title or image to access the book. If asked, select UK Federation login, Home Institution and/or Shibboleth, enter New College Lanarkshire then log on to the resources using your college username and password.  

Introducing Scots Law: Theory and Practice by Sean Crossan

Crime Scene Investigation: Methods and Procedures by Ian. K. Pepper

Children: Rights and Childhood by David Archard

Introduction to Scots Criminal Law by Sarah Christie

Criminal Law: The Basics by Jonathan Herring

Organised Crime and the Law: A Comparative Analysis by Liz Campbell

Regulation, Enforcement and Governance in Environmental Law by Richard Macrory


Journals provide up-to-date information about a subject. In addition to the print title we hold below, we have access to many online titles on  Gale News, Business and Reference and Emerald Insight.

Business Review (Coatbridge and Motherwell)   

Further links to Journal content for law can also be found on the Westlaw site.


Our campus libraries have lots of resources to assist you with your accessibility needs – click here to learn more.

Follow us @nclanlibrary for latest LLC updates and resources: