The Library and Learning Centres provide a wide range of resources and this guide highlights those which are relevant to your course.
Click here for a downloadable version of the information given below.
These resources are available on and off campus. If asked, select UK Federation login, Home Institution and/or Shibboleth, enter New College Lanarkshire then log on to the resources using your college username and password.
This is a video collection of over 19,000 titles including current TV recordings.
Articles, statistics, personal accounts and links to websites on a wide range of topics.
To access the Complete Issues site, click the link above. You will then be taken to the Moodle Home screen – click on the top right-hand corner of the page to log in with your college email and password. A page will then be displayed which contains a link to click to access Complete Issues, and below the link the Username and Password required to access the site are also displayed.
Gale News, Business and Reference
Access to a large range of online reference materials including journals, newspaper archives and e-books.
A range of databases from the National Library of Scotland. They cover many subject areas and include e-books, newspapers, journals, audio-visual resources and images. You need to register on the website to gain access to the resources.
Expert authors combine facts, analysis, new insights, and enthusiasm to offer concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects.
CCF Project: Vocational Resource Bank
Website offering a collection of videos and other resources covering many subjects.
Employability in Scotland
Fair Start Scotland is the Scottish Government's flagship employment support service helping the people of Scotland towards real sustainable jobs.
Job Help
Get help finding a new job in different sectors with job search advice, CV & interview tips and support from employers & work coaches.
My World of Work
My World of Work is Scotland’s career information and advice website, brought to you by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) – Scotland’s national skills agency.
The site is designed to support everyone develop their career management skills, no matter what stage you’re at in your career.
Prince's Trust
Website with free training and advice to help you gain confidence and get into work.
Help with CVs, cover letters and interview tips.
Routes to Work (North Lanarkshire)
A free, confidential service helping unemployed residents in the North Lanarkshire area to access opportunities in employment, education and training.
Routes to Work provides advice, information, guidance and practical support to develop and enhance the employment prospects of their clients; including CV workshops, communication skills, interview skills and more.
Routes to Work South (South Lanarkshire)
Supporting South Lanarkshire's unemployed residents into further education, training and/or sustained employment.
Routes to Work South provide a wide range of services aimed at improving employability, updating skills and enhancing general health and wellbeing; including help with CVs, interview techniques and more.
Also contains videos on tips for interviews, phone interviews and social media accounts to help put forward the best impression to employers.
TED - Talks to watch before a job interview
Interviews can be intimidating. These talks are full of useful tips, tricks and advice that can help you land the job you’re after.
UK Government - Find a Job
Search and apply for jobs online.
Click here for more free online resources.
Most of the print books for your course can be found in the careers (shelf mark 331.702) and employability (shelf mark 650.1 and above) sections of the LLC. Please contact us if you need further help or information.
All books on employability can be found on the LLC catalogue.
This includes how to write CVs and cover letters, interview skills, psychometric/aptitude tests and employability skills.
Click here for a guide to using the Library Catalogue.
The LLC also has a range of ‘English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)’ books, as well as a selection of fiction books.
E-books for employability can be found on the catalogue or through our providers Ebook Central, VLe Books and E-books for Further Education.
Further e-books are available through the 'Useful websites and Open Access resources' section above.
Below are just a few of our most popular e-books – click on the title or image to access the book. If asked, select UK Federation login, Home Institution and/or Shibboleth, enter New College Lanarkshire then log on to the resources using your college username and password.
50 Ways to Boost your Employability by Stella Cottrell
Job Interview Basics/ Job Ready (Job Skills) by M.G Higgins and PJ Gray
Finding and Keeping a Job by M.G Higgins and PJ Gray
Write an Irresistible CV by Julie Gray
Journals provide up-to-date information about a subject. In addition to the print titles we hold, we have access to many online titles on Gale News, Business and Reference and Emerald Insight.
Further journals are available through the 'Useful websites and Open Access resources' section above.
Our campus libraries have lots of resources to assist you with your accessibility needs – click here to learn more.
Follow us @nclanlibrary for latest LLC updates and resources: